Thursday 16 May 2013

Groucho Marks or lunch?

At lunchtime we stopped at the boatyard cafe in Central Park, New York for a drink and something to eat. This was what I received. I had asked for a ham and brie sandwich.This wasn't quite what I had in mind, especially as the bread reminded me of Groucho's eyebrows!

There was enough ham for two week's worth of sandwiches! It was very tasty though.


  1. Oh my they don't do things by half there do they and I see what you mean about Groucho though Numer five the robot come to mind with me.

  2. Oh yes, the americans don't know how to make a proper sandwich. Those ridiculous portions you get, no wonder you see so much obese people. I don't see any brie, or is it the little white point in the middle? Your Groucho made me laugh.

  3. I can't imagine you can actually get through a serving that size.

  4. However did you open your mouth wide enough to eat that?!?!?!


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