Today A. drove me to the everglades. Although we couldn't find the air tours park we were looking for ( as we had a voucher for that one) we soon found another one which had a deal for seniors anyway. As A. had been before she made sure I had a great seat in the air bus. I was very excited to be in the everglades. The noise of the airbus was ear shattering as the giant rotor blades took you above the surface. We saw a few alligators and birds. It was probably the wrong time of the day to see the birdlife at its best.

The long grass that grows out of the water is known as saw grass as it has serrated edges and you can easily cut your fingers on it. We were on the boat for about an hour which was about long enough. On the way back there was an iguana sunning itself. They are not indigenous to these parts as they are from South America. Apparently one of the problems they have here is that people just release unwanted pets into the ar and there is an issue with the number of non-indigenous snakes living and breeding in the glades.
After the boat trip we went to see an alligator show where they have what are called nuisance alligators which cannot be released back into the wild. they have been found in public places and willhave togo to alligator farms. One young handler showed us how they wrestled alligators. I wasn't really sure about the ethics of this but was fascinated by it. Afterwards you could sit on a gator, for a price, which I did. Surprisingly its skin was amazingly soft and it felt very warm.