Sunday 21 January 2024

Common kingfisher

Whilst out on one of my 'underground station visits' I happened to see a Common Kingfisher. They may be called Common but they are not common to me. I was thrilled to have spotted it and fortunate to have my camera to hand.

I wasn't out in the country but in the middle of a London suburb. The path I was on was very busy as it went from a housing estate to the local High Street. I was looking at this fallen tree over the river when a splash of colour caught my eye.
No mistaking a Kingfisher.

Friday 5 January 2024

Urban walk

 My first walk of the year was a five mile one lead by a new leader in our u3a Rambling Group. We like to have a variety of walks to cater for our different interests. I do guided walks mainly in Central London as well as country walks in Kent. 

We have tried to persuade members of the group to lead maybe just one or two walks a year and share their favourite walks. So today Kate showed us one of her local walks.

12 of us set off through the high rise blocks of Lewisham.

A heron was spotted next to a large pond in the middle of a housing estate. The walk took us across Blackheath and then onto the Thames Path.

The pigeons loved the old pier.

The first snowdrops of the year

The snowdrops were blooming around the base of  this mulberry tree. It is thought that the tree was planted in 1698 by the Tsar Peter the Great who visited this area at that time. during his visit to England. It was a very enjoyable walk to start off another year of u3a rambles.

Monday 1 January 2024

New Year 2024


Happy New Year to everyone. A big thank you to all who read and comment on this blog but a special thank you to those of you who read and comment on my other blog: Above the Underground. It has been ten years since I gave myself the challenge of visiting and writing about all 272 underground stations. I still have over 80 more to visit but I am determined to complete the challenge. I am well aware the posts are long but they record the visit more for myself than others. That's why I am thrilled if someone reads the post and comments.

Looking back over 2023 I am pleased that I managed a few trips: Chicago, Albania, Menorca and Bratislava( which I still need to write about). Unusually I have nothing booked for 2024. There are a couple of major events happening which will curtail my plans. 

Hope you are all enjoying the day and I wish you all good health and happiness for the coming year.