Sunday 21 January 2024

Common kingfisher

Whilst out on one of my 'underground station visits' I happened to see a Common Kingfisher. They may be called Common but they are not common to me. I was thrilled to have spotted it and fortunate to have my camera to hand.

I wasn't out in the country but in the middle of a London suburb. The path I was on was very busy as it went from a housing estate to the local High Street. I was looking at this fallen tree over the river when a splash of colour caught my eye.
No mistaking a Kingfisher.


  1. How wonderful and what beautiful colours. Diana

  2. I think we have kingfishers but I'm sure not as beautiful as the bird you captured.

  3. I wonder if the extraordinary colours actually endangers this beautiful bird. Camouflage would be difficult.

  4. Wow what a find. It is beautiful. Our Kookaburra belongs to the kingfisher family.

  5. Wonderful bird - that flash of electric blue is unmistakable. Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  6. Kingfisher is a wonderful bird to observe

  7. You did well, All I ever see is a flash of blue

  8. Well done for spotting this beautiful bird.
    Love the photographs you've shared.

    All the best Jan

  9. It is interesting to observe a Kingfisher

  10. Since I am here and have such a beautiful view over the park, I have seen one sparrow but hundreds of crows which eat the little birds ! that's why there are less and less. They also attack little cats, and are not very friendly birds ! Today is candlemas, (Chandeleurà which I learned since I am in Belgium. So today we are making crepes (very thin pancakes) I think I will only watch, if I have to throw the crepe in the air so that it falls into the pan on the other side I am sure mine would stick at the ceiling !

  11. They are such a splendid bird! Hope to see one in the next week or so. Cheers - Stewart M - Lake District National Park.

  12. Great picture. I hate when beautiful birds are called 'common' as they never are to me!

  13. Time to rename this bird. “Common” just doesn’t do it justice.


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