Monday, 15 December 2014

Santa's coming

Look who I saw in Covent Garden this week:


 Santa and his reindeer.
 The LEGO sleigh and reindeer contains 700,000 bricks and took Duncan Titmarsh, a LEGO professional, 32 days to build.

Has anyone got LEGO on their Christmas wish list this year?


  1. Oh my goodness! Lots of work! Well done. My great grandsons are getting (more) Legos and a Lego tray (among no doubt much else).

  2. Great photos and what patience must be needed to build something like that out of Lego. I remember how frustrating I found some of the Lego when my son was of an age to build them and wanted help!

  3. How delightful and fun for the Season ~ Great shots!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Wow, now that took a lot of work. Very cool reindeer and Santa.. Fun post, thanks for sharing. Have a happy week!

  5. My grandsons! I'm waiting to catch a lego sculpture show somewhere.

  6. I love LEGO very much. They are fantastic blocks which develops intelligence. Santa is great

  7. At least one of our children have Lego on their wish list - but they won't be getting this much!
    Quite fun to see.

  8. I'm really impressed and my grandsons would be, too! Hours and hours of work there.

  9. Both of my grand sons would like Santa to bring some Lego! Wow, requiring a lot pf patience to do these reindeer and Santa!

  10. Incredible work and I guess a lot of planning went into the construction. Lego professional? There is such a thing?

  11. I'm amazed at what people build out of Lego - when I was a kid I was pleased if I could build a small tower!

  12. That's amazing! What can't you build with legos?

  13. Fantastic preparations for Christmas.

  14. Wow, that is great done, hope that no kid will take a brick of it.

  15. That is an amazing Lego construction.

  16. Fantastic! Now that is some real work that turned into art. Love it! :-)

  17. Wow creative Lego works. Happy Tuesday.

  18. I've never had a Lego set although I do have a childhood memory of a game with small wooden pieces that may have predated that phenomena. Santa's expression looks a bit desperate :) Loved your most recent comment and have gone back to view a few of your older posts. That reflection shot is stunning and the skies behind the BT building and many of the intricacies that you captured are fascinating. Have a wonderful week ahead, Fun60!

  19. No , no lego on my wish list! But great to see what can be constructed using them!

  20. Wowza! It's hard enough for me just to make a simple structure out of legos.

  21. Yes, my 4 year old grandson ! Meanwhile he can open a Lego shop, he had birthday, Santa Claus (very important in Holland) behind him and I got a list with what he doesn't have YET !! You make me so homesick when I see all these Christmas decoration in London and now even on my beloved place the Covent garden !

  22. When I lived in The Netherlands (long ago) I always wanted to travel to the theme park LEGOLAND
    In Denmark. I Understand they are in several countries now including Windsor, England. What I didn't know is that they are owned by a British company. Love the display! Janey

  23. Wow, My Goodness☆☆☆ What a tusk for 32 days to finish this LOVELY seasonal Lego♪♪♪ I don't have much talent or patience to try Lego but definitely wish to see this one :-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  24. Yep, Go my son some even though he is 25


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