Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Stop or go?

This Traffic Light tree contains 75 sets of traffic lights. It was created by the French sculptor Pierre Vivant who described it as 'imitating the natural landscape of the adjacent London Plane trees, while the changing pattern of the lights reveals and reflects the never ending rhythm of the surrounding domestic, financial and commercial activities'

It was originally installed in 1998 at the Westferry roundabout near Canary wharf, a large financial district in London's docklands. It was removed in 2011 so that work could be carried out to reconfigure the traffic flow. As a consequence it could  not be returned to its original setting  but after a couple of years in storage it has found a new home on the Trafalgar Way roundabout near Billingsgate fish market. As you can see work is still going on to its setting but it is good to see the lights on again.

When it was first erected,  motorists were confused by the numerous light changes but it soon became a favourite amongst the locals and visitors to the area.


  1. It is a nightmare for drivers. It looks so funny but no definitely for drivers.

  2. Ha, ha, I love it! I'm a transportation engineer so I get the humor in this installation.

  3. Fun! I think that explains why I couldn't find it last year? I didn't know it had been removed and moved.

  4. I would have loved to see such quirky art. Thanks for showing us.

  5. It makes my head spin! But it's sure an interesting sight. :-)

  6. I can imagine it is a bit confusing for the traffic.

  7. Wow---that is so unique. Love the traffic light tree.... BUT--I'm sure I would get confused as to which one to look at!!!!! ha


  8. What fun! I must try and see this sometime.


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