Wednesday 9 October 2024


 Today I am off to Tresco Island. This island is known for its tropical gardens and red squirrels.

After spending a couple of hours in the gardens I had enough time to walk around the rest of the island before the boat returned to take us back.

Tresco has some of the most beautiful beaches on the Scillies  but recent storms have left a lot of seaweed on them.

Many of the gravestones in this churchyard were covered with lichen.


  1. I have never seen red squirrels. Are they unique to Tresco Island?

  2. I've never been to that part of the world, though your photographs make it look very inviting. I last saw red squirrels up in Northumberland.

  3. It's a beautiful and rare garden. Tresco is such a small island, owned by one family.

  4. I misread the headline and thought you had found a Tesco on the islands.
    In theory, I can't see why Tresco should look tropical, but it does and beautifully so.

  5. I too find it surprising that the island is tropical. Why is that? It is a beautiful spot.


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