Sunday 13 October 2024


 A cloudy day with rain forecast but I certainly wasn't staying in all day so I donned my waterproofs and set off. The boat had no shelter except a small cabin for the captain.

The rain stopped as I was walking round the island.

A children's playground made up of fishing nets and buoys.

One side of the island has sandy beaches whilst the other side was rocky and wild.

There was an inland lake which had numerous swans on it.

Succulents seemed to do well .

There was a cafe open not far from the quay so I ordered some soup and a cup of tea. Then it started raining and they had no indoor seating! shelter! I hadn't thought this through at all. I was soaked in no time. I couldn't be bothered to take any photos as it was so miserable. I decided to go back to the other quay where there was a church and just hoped it would be open.
There was a couple of others taking shelter inside but I'm not sure where everyone else was that had come over on the boat. It was going to be almost 2 hours before the boat was due to return. The modern stained glass windows were impressive.
Fortunately I had a book with me so was able to pass the time reading and drying out.

The journey back was grim with heavy rain all the way. Although my feet and legs were dry (definitely worth the extra money I paid for the waterproof trousers!) I felt cold and wet. Couldn't wait to get back to have a hot shower.


  1. What a pity that the weather was not so nice because the landscape looks very beautiful ! I had to laugh that you go to church "only" when you are wet ! I hope you didn't catch a cold as I did and I wasn't in the rain.

  2. The stained glass windows are gorgeous. What a shame that you got so wet and cold.


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