Friday 16 February 2024

Signs of Spring


Saw this Egyptian goose with her 8 goslings this morning in Hyde Park. I was told they are just 5 days old. I thought it was a bit early in the year but with temps in the teens obviously not.


  1. that does seem early. Let's hope a cold snap doesn't endanger them.

  2. Nice that you are feeling early Spring, it's definitely getting cooler at night here.

  3. Aww that's lovely to see the baby goslings, I do hope they do well.
    Great pictures.

    All the best Jan

  4. I wonder if they fly in from Egypt or are locals. It looks very spring like.

  5. That's a great pic of the goose. A promise of spring. Autumn is on its way here but lovely (almost too hot) days at the moment wit cool nights.

  6. Looking after one baby at a time was hard enough work for me.
    This mother goose has a major responsibility, looking after eight goslings.

  7. That is early. Hope they do ok if temps drop.

  8. They are so cute. I hope they all survive and enjoy Spring.

  9. That sounds like a delightful sighting! Egyptian geese are known for their distinctive appearance, and it must have been heartwarming to see the mother with her adorable goslings. Indeed, nature often surprises us with its timing and resilience, even in colder temperatures. By the way, I just posted a new blog entry, and I think you'll enjoy it!

  10. How cute ! We have a big pond at the end of our park, which is in the City park. But there is a door so I walked outside and suddenly remembered that I was going there with Dario when he was a toddler feeding the geese and swans ! With my orientation sense I hadn't realized that our park was just separated by a fence of the official park. Unfortunately I couldn't return, because of the rain and mud ! Since I can walk almost normal again without getting breathless, it was the first and so far last walk through the park. It's really depressing !

  11. That is rather early for many a bird to breed. very often it is the Mallards and geese that set the pace. Let's hope they know something that we don't. More days in the park and the great outdoors soon we hope.

  12. ah spring, my favourite time of year. We are creeping into autumn here. Enjoy your week, and thankyou for visiting my blog this week.


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