Thursday 9 August 2018

A walk around Kemsing

I needed to find a walk that I could lead in October for the U3A  ( University of the Third Age) and I needed to sort it out quickly as the deadline for submitting walks for Oct, Nov, Dec was just two days away. I chose one from a book that I hadn't done before but it looked promising. It started in the small village of Kemsing in Kent which has a community car park and a pub that serves  
food as well as drink.
The walk was 5.5 miles with a few steep inclines and descents. I used the written instructions from the book but I had transcribed them onto an Ordnace survey map as a back up. 
The scenery was beautiful and all was  going so well. The instructions were detailed and easy to follow.

Even found the path that crossed the wheat field but then I took well over an hour to try and find a gateway into a wood. I wandered this way and that but just couldn't find it.
At one point I followed a path which led me to these bee hives. These very active bee hives. Luckily they were more interested in the wild flowers than myself. I retraced my steps and just couldn't see where I was going wrong. I then noticed some metal amongst a bramble bush. As far as I could see the gate into the wood was so overgrown with nettles, brambles and other bushes that there was no way through so I had to find another route.

I detoured around the wood and walked along the road until I reached the point where I would have left the wood. Not great but at least I knew where I was and I was no longer on someone's land. There are rights of way crossing farmland which walkers can use but you need to know where they are and keep to them. They are always marked on the Ordnance Survey maps and I knew I had strayed from them.

Other than being chased by a very enthusiastic large dog the rest of the walk went well.

This bench at the top of a hill made a perfect place for a sit down  to admire the view. I submitted details of the walk and will be leading it in the middle of October but  I will have to do the walk a couple more times before then!


  1. What a nice view from the seat and hopefully all downhill from there.

  2. It looks beautiful - I love those views.

  3. It looks good, glad you found the path.

  4. oh, I can't tell you how often I get lost

  5. Love the bench with the view. Guess that kind of tells my age.

  6. I'm glad you found your way eventually and I'm sure by the time you lead the walk you will know exactly where you are going.

  7. I hope the followers (which is what I'd be) appreciate all the planning and practice that goes into leading the walks! Definitely a gorgeous bonus with that view!

  8. Fabulous scenery! I love the image of the green berries.

  9. Could you contact the farmer and ask them about it?

  10. Pretty late-summer views. I hope your next exploratory hike reveals the mysterious gate to the woods! (And a least you didn't blunder into any cows on your detour!)

  11. That looks like a great route to walk. I'm not doing any steep inclines but would be delighted with the horses and bees and other pretty scenery.


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