Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Lloyds register of shipping


This is the head office of the Lloyds register of shipping. In 1764 they produced the first register of all sea going merchant ships over a certain size (100 tonnes). The hulls were graded by a letter -'A' being the best and the ship's fittings with a number - '1' being the highest. Hence the phrase everything is A1.

Ships remain on the register until they are wrecked, sunk or scrapped. This  register of ships is produced annually.

The friezes around the building have sea nymphs and monsters; sailing ships and maidens holding navigation equipment.


  1. That is so cool and such a great building

  2. Looks like an interesting building ---and I'll bet there is some great info kept in there... I always wondered how they kept up with ships.. When I work on Genealogy, I am always coming across some ancestors who came to our country from England (and other places) on ships years ago....


  3. Interesting to I know where "A1" came from.

  4. It is an impressive building of a famous company.

  5. I like those sea nymphs! Ha! Monsters, not so much. :))

  6. I wanted to find that when we visited, but we didn't. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I guess the 'A1' thing is logical when you think about it, but I never knew where it came from!! And is it a coincidence that the grandeur of the building matches the importance of what it contains??!!

  8. Hi all! I am the Archives Assistant from Lloyd's Register and I thought you may want to know that we are starting a digitisation project for some of our most important documents; survey reports, plans and correspondences relating to the ships we classed from 1830s onwards. We would love your input on how they should be displayed on the website so we've created this very short survey. We would be extremely grateful if you would take the time to fill it out! http://lloydsregister.wufoo.com/forms/zftnp0f13ozrmz/


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