Friday 12 July 2024

London in bloom


The flowers around Covent Garden were looking amazing yesterday. Maybe all the rain we have had of late does have its benefits.

Ever hopeful deckchairs awaiting bottoms to take their place to watch the large screen which will show matches from Wimbledon.


  1. These old architectures look stunning

  2. Sunshine, deckchairs, the best tennis in the world, attractive architecture ... what could be better? Easy ... endless wine and/or espresso :)

  3. The Bloom looks very atractive to have a seat.

  4. Fresh plants enliven and soften harsh brick and stone - and sweeten the air, too.

  5. All the plants mostly survived m¥ being away for more that two weeks. But the weeds did well too! Those blooms there are lovely as they all were in Switzerland too.

  6. So nice to see all that colour. Do all the red striped deck chairs get filled?

  7. Great sunny colours - although my relatives have told me that the UK summer has not been great!
    Stewart M - Auckland, NZ

  8. How beautiful all these flowers ! that's probably because we have this yoyo weather, it rains, it's sunny, it rains etc ! What we have planted in our park blooms too ! Never expected that !

  9. That looks amazing - and very beautiful.


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