Friday 5 May 2023

The Coronation

 Tomorrow is the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla. I always like to get a look at these spectacular events but I realise that it will probably be impossible to get near enough to see anything so I decided to go this evening to walk along the Mall. The atmosphere was amazing. It was friendly and full of fun. Some of the costumes were very creative. People starting camping here on Monday so tonight there wasn't much room left.

This is what the Mall looked like on Monday.

This is what it looked like tonight at about 7pm.

Lots of TV crews from around the world interviewing campers.

There were a couple of artists in amongst the campers trying to capture the scene.

There were a couple of crossing places so you could get from one side of the Mall to the other.
There were also loads of portaloos for visitors to use.

First thing in the morning the tents will have to be cleared away.
I walked back from the Mall and into Trafalgar Square.

I am assuming that's a large screen at the back there in front of the National Gallery. 
I'm pleased I went to have a look but tomorrow I will be watching it all on the TV. At the Queen's Coronation I was only two but I remember my mother telling me I enjoyed the street party.


  1. Wow Charles must be a popular king

  2. It is an important event, to be shared around the world. But it is unfortunate time to be spending squillions of pounds. I would focus on the important church ceremony without guests from all over the world, then celebrate with all those locals who have queued up for days to participate.

    The TV coverage here will be amazing.

  3. As I was looking at your marvelous photos (thank you so much for sharing!) I was wondering about bathroom facilities. The curse of the old lady. Happy to here there were lots of portable units, LOL

  4. Every British blog I read has had something on this event. Yours is the only one that showed the people who have shown up to celebrate in person. I take it there are mixed feelings about this event and it's cost. I'll read about it later after the fact.

  5. We missed it here, we both went to bed early. I had a good sleep though lol

  6. Great to see these photographs.

    It was a wonderful Coronation weekend.
    We enjoyed watching it on television, including Sunday nights concert :)

    All the best Jan

  7. I have but a mild interest in Royal events - I wasn't celebrating but I wasn't protesting either. I've always admired Charles though for his speaking out about the environment at a time when such statements only invited ridicule from most quarters.

  8. We missed it all except for a few highlights on the Greek News. Couldn't make head nor tail of the subtitles either.

  9. I always look forward to your behind the scenes view of historic moments! We did watch the highlights a bit on tv, our favorites of course being the bits of the royal grandchildren.


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