Sunday 30 June 2024

Posters from the Underground

 These days I just can't resist anything with a connection to the Underground. So when I saw a notice in the Metro newspaper about a small exhibition of Underground posters before going up for sale, then I knew I had to search them out. The posters were on display at Lyon and Turnbull London auction house in Connaught Place. 

Throughout the 1920s, at least two new posters were issued annually advertising the Zoo. This exhibition features a private collection of original London zoo posters from 1913 to 1933 (with the exception of the war years). The London Underground collaborated with some of the most talented artists to create eye catching posters that transformed the underground into an art space.

It wasn't easy to photograph the posters as there were handbags on display in front of some of them. After all this was an auction house and not an art gallery. I was just pleased to be able to see them. 

What is interesting about these zoo posters is that none of the underground stations are that close to the zoo.  A bus ride would be needed to complete the journey.


  1. The brighter the colours and the sharper the lines, the more power the posters had.

  2. The posters are wonderful. I imagine they'll attract a lot of attention from collectors.

  3. Some high-quality artwork on display there, really stylish.

  4. These posters have unique design and looks. Artistic

  5. What interesting posters, I have to admit I had trouble seeing the elephant though :)

  6. I love those old travel posters, of all kinds. Our tram company has released some new posters in the style of older ones.
    The third poster is the Australian Eastern Rosella.
    Because it is the kind of thing I do, it's around 30 to 40 minutes by public transport from Kings Cross Station to the zoo, yet only 14 minutes by car.

  7. It would be interesting to learn what they sell for; many old posters become quite valuable. Do you plan to attend the sale?

  8. I do like old travel posters or any old vintage posters for that matter, the older the better.

  9. That would have been something for me ! My favorite is the elephant, could be a painting !

  10. Nice to see these posters.

    All the best Jan

  11. The zoo posters are beautiful, I always enjoy seeing the critters. Take care, enjoy your day!


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