Monday, 21 February 2022

Cirque Du Soleil

 On Saturday I went to the Royal Albert Hall to see the Cirque Du Soleil perform their show 'Luzia'. I have not seen the company perform before, but I have heard and read excellent reviews of the show. Using a company called 'Travel Zoo' I managed to get an excellent discount for a front row seat. I was surprised that photography was allowed and took advantage of that to take a few photos to show you. No flash allowed and so the photos are not great but it gives you an idea of the performance.

The stage was covered with  marigolds making a stunning display.

At some point the flowers disappeared probably when all eyes were watching someone descending on a rope from the ceiling.

I could hardly watch the contortionist without squirming.

A waterfall descending from the ceiling. I did get splashed at this point but fortunately it wasn't that bad.

It was an exciting, fast moving show which I thoroughly enjoyed. (You were asked to wear a mask during the performance and Covid passports had to be shown at the door. )


  1. It looks terrific. R has seen the circus perform many years ago. The contortionist reminds me of my youth 😉

  2. This is a wonderful show ! It had been cancelled last year, but I have seen them with another story about a Princess and their performanced is really top and the costumes, so beautiful ! As soon as they come here again, I will go !!

  3. When I was working I had several young colleagues who studied Circus Skills in their spare time and some performed in the Cambridge Community Circus: they would have loved this show. It was fantastic that you were allowed to take photos.

  4. I have seen them a few times in the past. It is a magical show to watch, I loved it. The music and the acrobatics together is so wonderful!

  5. We have seen them maybe twice, and it was astounding.

  6. Terrific shots. I've never seen that troupe.

  7. Front row, wow! What great luck to be able to be so close.

  8. Wow what a show. Its been here but I've never been. Front row seat must have been great.

  9. Whenever a circus or pantomime came to Melbourne in the 1950s and early 60s, my brothers and I would be taken by a parent or grandparent. The shows were always jammed packed with kids, having a ball. But I didn't know we still have circuses now, and I didn't realise adults were prime audiences. Many thanks.

  10. How exciting. I've never heard of travel Zoo but I will check it out.

  11. They do a spectacular show. So glad you were able to get such a great seat. I remember seeing them once at Walt Disney World when I chaperoned a middle school band trip there with my daughter.

  12. So amazing. I actually have seen them. One year they were in Atlanta and our daughter got us tickets while we were there for Christmas.

  13. I'm really jealous. I'll bet that was just fabulous from the front row. And those are very good non-flash photos.

  14. Like Phil, I too am quite jealous LOL :)

    I have always enjoyed watching Cirque Du Soleil on the very rare occasions parts of their shows have been televised. I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

    Happy March Wishes.

    All the best Jan


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